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The WebSocket API WebSockets Web APIs MDN

The WebSocket Protocol and WebSocket API are standardized by the W3C and the IETF, and support across browsers is very common. A web application (e.g. web browser) may use the WebSocket interface to connect to a WebSocket server. After the protocol was shipped and enabled by default in multiple browsers, the RFC 6455 was finalized under Ian Fette in December 2011.

what is websocket

Another option is to manage authentication (and authorization) at the application level, by using techniques such as JSON Web Tokens. You can think of a WebSocket connection as a long-lived, bidirectional, full-duplex communication channel between a web client and a web server. There are several alternatives to WebSockets, including long polling, server-sent events (SSE), and WebRTC data channels. Each of these alternatives has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of which to use will depend on the specific requirements of the application.

How do WebSockets work (and their connections)

WebSocket connection is established through a WebSocket handshake over the TCP. During a new WebSocket handshake, the client and server also communicate which subprotocol will be used for subsequent interactions. After this is established, the connection will run on the WebSocket protocol. A WebSocket connection is established using a handshake protocol similar to the HTTP upgrade request. The WebSocket protocol specification defines the specific format of data frames, which are used for communication between client and server.

Many mobile app development frameworks provide built-in support for WebSockets, making it easy to integrate real-time communication into mobile apps. Basic HTTP requests work well for many use cases, such as when someone needs to search on a web page and receive relevant, non-time-sensitive information. However, it is not always best suited for web applications requiring real-time communication or data that needs to update quickly with minimal latency.

About the WebSocket connection

For example, collaborative editing tools such as Google Docs use WebSocket. WebSocket and HTTP are both protocols used for communication over the web, but they serve different purposes and operate differently. Discover the most common WebSocket security vulnerabilities and how to prevent them through a combination of modern security approaches and testing tools. Note that older versions of these browsers either don’t support WebSockets, or have limited support.

With this API, you can send messages to a server and receive event-driven responses without having to poll the server for a reply. With HTTP streaming, a connection is held open indefinitely to facilitate a continuous data stream. This is conceptually similar to WebSocket, but it’s still performed over HTTP and is still one-way—the client cannot send messages to the server via HTTP streaming. An HTTP connection can achieve something akin to real-time functionality through long polling, where requests are sent and held open until there is something to respond with. This rough approximation of real-time communication has some limitations, especially at scale.

When did we need to use the WebSockets?

The first endpoint, mapped to /, serves some simple HTML and JavaScript that implement a simple browser-based WebSocket client. The other endpoint, mapped to /ws, implements the server-side of the web socket connection. WebSocket allows the client and the server to asynchronously, arbitrarily and in real-time exchange messages. By contrast, the HTTP request-response cycle is considered synchronous.

what is websocket

Consider which error handling methods would be least impactful to users. Consider how you need connections to be established and managed over time. When configured correctly, HSTS ensures that the browser will always request the HTTPS variant of the site, even if a user has clicked how does websocket work a standard HTTP link. As a result, the user has a layer of security that protects them from many easy-to-mitigate attacks. This problem is mitigated by HTTPS, a variant of HTTP that uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt requests and responses.

Security considerations

HSTS allows servers to specify policies to help prevent common security problems, such as MITM attacks, protocol downgrade attacks, and cookie hijacking. The original HTTP protocol is lacking in one important respect—request and response messages are not encrypted and are relatively easy for malicious actors to intercept and read. Note that although HTTP/1.1 introduced persistent connections that allow for the reuse of the TCP/IP connection, this mental model is still helpful and mostly accurate. The socket approach is followed in web applications to send push notifications. To understand how WebSocket works, first, we need to understand how a website works over the HTTP protocol and website access the data without using the WebSocket. Usually, the web pages are served over the HTTP protocol via creating an HTTP connection.

  • After an endpoint has both sent and received a close frame, the closing handshake is complete, and the WebSocket connection is considered closed.
  • A WebSocket is a continuous two-way communication channel between clients and servers.
  • WebSocket protocol is a type of framed protocol that involves various discrete chucks with each data.
  • It is a widely used network protocol that almost all clients support because it is dependable and efficient.
  • Let’s explore some use cases for which WebSocket is particularly suitable.

This makes WebSockets hard to use in large-scale systems that consist of multiple WebSocket servers (you need to share connection state across servers). Indicates that the connection was closed due to a failure to perform a TLS handshake (e.g., the server certificate can’t be verified). The server is terminating the connection because it encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Whether or not an application takes advantage of stateful capability is entirely up to the developer and how they use their WebSocket connection. Businesses that provide a WebSockets-based real-time stock ticker may encourage customers to make more informed decisions about the performance of their investments. Optimize message payload through efficient serialization formats such as JSON or Protocol Buffers. Given their resource demands, scaling WebSocket-based apps—whether horizontally or vertically—can be problematic. Applications used by multiple users can also use WebSocket to facilitate the synchronization of all changes.

what is websocket

This type of communication has less overhead than HTTP polling, giving an application several advantages in real-time functionality. Some web application requires real-time data update; such application should have a web socket connection. These web applications use a WebSocket to show the data to the client without refreshing the page. In such applications, the backend server sends the data continuously through the connected channel. The backend uses the same connection, which is already open to transfer the updated data. Thus, it performs fast data transfer and improves the application performance.

WebSockets vs. Other Communication Protocols

Note that each communication protocol excels in several areas where the other typically falls short. An HTTP connection is stateless—this means that each request is handled in isolation, with no retention of information about the requests that came before it. WebSocket, on the other hand, is stateful thanks to its persistent connection. Examples of these websites are trading websites and live sports score websites.

what is websocket
