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Advise for Staying Secure on Craigslist ads

One of the best ways to settle safe in Craigslist should be to ensure you meet in a public, greatly trafficked site. Never bring a stranger to your home or take them to a place exactly where they may not be monitored. If possible, make an effort to meet in a busy parking lot. If you have a lot of cash or are choosing expensive https://aspiringblog.net/amazon-gaming-pc-vs-walmart-gaming-pc/ items, consider meeting in a bank or possibly a public place where the other person cannot observe you.

Following are buying or selling anything upon Craigslist, it is best to use cool cash. For anyone who is unsure regarding paying with funds, you can exchange your money with the local cops station or Diamond Pit Federal Credit Union. When you are not comfortable with handing over cash, you can purchase a counterfeit detector pencil at workplace supply stores. They cost about $5 and may save you a good deal of money. Also, it is best to steer clear of providing information that is personal, such as credit-based card numbers, e-mail addresses, and telephone statistics, to other people.

While on Craigslist ads, make sure you how to use anonymous email account. Since you happen to be dealing with unknown people, you should avoid using your actual name or if you email address. Instead, use a pseudonymous email bank account. Don’t use your house address or your current email address; only your first identity and phone number are used. Using this method, you can exchange your information with no other party being able to trace the identity.

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